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16 Tubac Road
Tubac, AZ, 85646
United States


Bacamore Satchel

Bacamore bags feature a wide reinforced bottom with feet for protection so things are easy to find in the bag. The top has a zipper closure. The front has a large pocket behind the artwork. The suede lined inside has 2 zip pockets & a small key pocket. The back has a zip phone pocket. The double strap is tied together with a suede lined shoulder pad. 14”w x 10”h x 6”d

Please allow 4 - 8 weeks for delivery if we don’t have one in stock.

CityScape - Grey Faux lizard with teal & navy calf trim, denim stingrey & complimentary colors in design. Purple suede lining , nickel silver concho. $525

CityScape - Md Brown Tailgator with black calf, coffee stingrey turquoise & cognac accents. Teal suede lining, nickel silver concho. $525

Sunrise - Tomato faux hornback alligator with red, turquoise purple trim. Purple suede lining, nickel silver concho. $525

Sunrise - Denim embossed amazon alligator with turquoise trim, red, cognac & aqua trim. Turquoise suede interior, nickel silver concho. $525

Aimster - Grey Faux lizard with grey calf trim, turquoise stingrey, black tailgator & complimentary colors in design. Purple suede lining , nickel silver concho. $525

Landscape - Tan embossed hornback alligator with purple, turquoise & various trim colors. Teal suede interior, nickel silver concho. $525

Staccato - Black embossed hornback alligator with amber calf trim. Taupe suede interior, brass over nickel silver conchos. $525

Zig Zag - Tomato embossed hornback alligator with turquoise calf trim, red, magenta & various accents. Purple suede inside, nickel silver conchos. $525

Triangles - Black faux hornback alligator with amber calf trim. Taupe suede lining, pewter concho. $525

Inside detail - 2 zipper pockets & a small key pocket. The handbag has a full length zipper closure.

Back detail - zipper pocket